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Tangled Up in You, Dylan

August 18, 2014

Featured song: “You’re Gonna Make me Lonesome When You Go” by Bob Dylan

I knew it would come to this, I just didn’t know it would come to this so soon. I knew sooner or later it would be time to blog about the eternal question – the question that has plagued music devotees and dabblers alike for years. But hey, I made my bed. I wanted to start a blog. And today I received an email asking me that frightening question. So, here goes ..

What is my favourite album – ever? It’s one of those questions that I love to grill others with because it can demonstrate so much about one’s identity – but when the tables are turned, I get uneasy. How. How can I possibly answer that? Are you serious right now?

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A Bowl of Sunshine

August 16, 2014

If you know me, you know I’m quite fond of autumn. If I could pick one season, that would be it – and even though it precedes the dreaded Winnipeg wintertime, I swoon over autumn to no end. In fact, I’m sitting on my porch right now and the breeze is just cold enough that it could pass as fall – it’s 7:30 AM so of course it’s still a little cool. I WANT IT SO BAD. I know you’re throwing things at your computer. I’m SORRY.

Since it is still very much summer (the endless stream of +25 temperatures is telling me so), I’m happy to absorb the summer spirit, summer activities, the summer sunshine. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

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Robin Williams

August 11, 2014

“I’ve seen things you’ve only seen in your nightmares. Things you can’t even imagine. Things you can’t even see. There are things that hunt you in the night. Then something screams. Then you hear them eating, and you hope to God you aren’t dessert. Afraid? You don’t know what afraid is.”

And apparently a lot of us didn’t know how afraid Robin Williams truly was. This is a quote from one of my favourite movies growing up, Robin playing Alan Parrish in Jumanji – and it seems so piercing now.

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The Smoking Gun

August 7, 2014

Featured song: “Sugar Mountain” by Neil Young

I have a huge problem with finality. With something coming to an end, to a close, that’s it, that’s all. Good, bad, whatever. I’ve grown to trust that once something or someone has entered your life, it has entered for a reason. That something or someone is worth fighting for. I still can’t wrap my head around something entering your life that is completely toxic, which you must eradicate. It hurts my heart to think about.

Enter: cigarettes. Which have become quite the enigma to me. Today, I am 288 days smoke free (thanks to a convenient little app on my phone) This is my second time quitting. I would say it’s my second time quitting successfully but I guess if it’s my second time, I’m not much of a success story..

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Play That Funky Music

August 5, 2014

Featured song: “On the Radio” by Regina Spektor

I have a radio show. It still sounds weird to say out loud, to write. And just like most things in life, it just kinda happened. And I’ve been doing it for around six years. That’s what’s even weirder.

Circa 2008, when I was fresh-faced and new to the Peg, shipped directly from farm-to-Osborne-Village, I was surrounded by gifted friends who played music. Hell, I still am. They still do.

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Run for Your Life

August 4, 2014

Featured song: “Run, Run, Run” by the Velvet Underground

Today is now known as Terry Fox Day in Manitoba (formerly known as ‘August Civic Holiday’ – what the?) and for good reason. It is named after the Winnipeg-born athlete who was just 22 when he died in 1981 during his attempt to run across Canada on one leg in his Marathon of Hope. So fantastic that he will be commemorated every year. Huge thanks to Ace Burpee for getting that ball rolling.

The Terry Fox Run in Manitoba will be held on September 14th in Assiniboine Park and I’ve decided that I’m going to participate in the 5k. I’m even on a team! This is another one of those undertakings that would shock anyone I knew if this were a couple years ago. But that was then, this is now. And I’m learning every day.

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August 3, 2014

Featured song: “Through & Through & Through” – Joel Plaskett

My second post in and I’m already prepared to confess to my readers. Get ready.

Confession #1: I used to hate cooking. Loathe. I’ve always adored the idea of it (Food Network is my FAVOURITE), but doing it myself? No way. Ask anyone I know in the last couple years and they’d probably tell you that it comes to me naturally. That I do it all the time. That at any opportunity to create something in the kitchen, I’m your gal.
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Blog Archive

Birth of a Blog

August 2, 2014

Featured song: “To Ramona” – Bob Dylan

It was tough to come up with the initial entry for this blog. I spent hours ruminating over what I was supposed to say about myself to properly express who I am, what this blog will be, how the reader will understand where I’m coming from and what I want to say. Then! A small epiphany. I don’t have to get everything across in one entry. There are so many more to come …

What are some key words you use to describe yourself? When the world wide web asks you to fill out the ‘About’ section of your profile, when Twitter asks you to describe yourself in so many words – is there a description you gravitate to? Some key phrases?

I always use the word ‘Nostalgic’ – ‘Nostalgic Idiot’ more often than not. Nostalgia is: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. It’s the human condition. We all embody this. I dwell on it more than most.

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